Immaculate Conception is a day like no other
When we celebrate our church and our dear Blessed Mother.
It's a time to give thanks to our Father above
For His Merciful compassion and generous Love.
For preserving dearest Mary from the stain of Original Sin
In anticipation of the Grace that her Son, Jesus, would win.
Our hearts are filled with joy and devotion
As we gather together for a holy commotion
With songs and prayers and alleluias as well
With family and friends and others to tell.
To tell of the greatness of the Lord's wondrous plan,
When the Word became flesh and our God became man.
By the power of the Spirit dearest Mary would give birth
To the King of the Heavens who would soon dwell on earth.
By the “Fiat” or “Yes” of the handmaid so pure,
The Archangel known as Gabriel had his answer quite sure
That she would accept her role for salvation
For the souls of all peoples of every nation.
She would nurture the Christ in the depths of her womb,
With the trust that he'd grow and even conquer the tomb.
Her faith was so strong that she'd live as a Virgin
While becoming the Mother of the Heavenly Surgeon.
That Doctor of Souls came to cure us of evil
To cleanse us of sins and to cause an upheaval
Of the sadness and pain brought on by Adam and Eve
To destroy death and to comfort all those who would grieve.
By his passion and cross and rising from the dead
The triumph of Jesus is proclaimed not merely said.
We glory in his victory and are grateful to receive
Our Eucharistic Lord as true food we believe.
We are thankful to God that dearest Mary was chosen
From the beginning of time, before Minnesota was frozen,
That her soul would be immaculate by the Grace of her Son,
And that he would be born of that very same one.
To dearest Mary as well do we offer our thanks
Whose happiness ranks in the highest of ranks.
For she freely chose to give of her life
So that others could live and overcome all their strife.
On this day that we celebrate her Immaculate Conception
In this Mass before going on to our humble reception
Let's ask for her prayers that we'd see Jesus again
At the end of our journeys in Heaven. Amen.