Early in July 2017, we paid back $ 15,000 to Morgan Stanley. In 2011, our Parish Council and Trustees decided to borrow $ 145,000 on our line of credit with Morgan Stanley. Between 2011-16, we paid back $45,000 on this line of credit. One of the goals in our capital campaign is to pay back the remaining $100,000 to Morgan Stanley.
We ordered 2 sets of church doors to be installed on August 21-22 in the south and east church entrances (estimated cost: $12,000). Our church doors were installed in 1958 when the church was built. Due to age and damage, the doors need to be replaced.
We are preparing to replace the church lighting panel in September (estimated cost: $ 12,000). Our lighting panel was installed in 1958, and some of the switches do not work. A new lighting panel would utilize modern technology, and Stinson Electric will work on this project.
Pledges: As of July 31, we have received pledges of $1,120,853.89. Thank you! If you would like to make a pledge to the campaign or have questions, please contact me (763-788-9062, x 215, [email protected]).